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  • Video Game Flashes and Failures

    Monday, October 25th, 2010

    Read this pretty awesome article over at From Nintendo’s Xmas launch to Sega Saturn’s PR fail, some of the biggest payoffs and company breaking risks in the video game industry. LINK

    VVVVVV – no, that’s not a typo; it’s something you need to play

    Friday, January 22nd, 2010

    Play the VVVVVV demo Pricey at $15, especially when it seems like there may only be 5 levels (albiet large ones, I only found one shiny object in lvl 1 and two in lvl 2, and the map screen seems Castlevania huge), but the demo is 2 levels and provides a satisfying sampling, and it […]

    A beautiful waste: PS3 vs Bravia

    Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

    Brain… hurts… Sony Australia has created a promo video that simultaneously oozes style and makes my inner detective Adrian Monk cringe and gnash its teeth. I keep my 60GB US launch PS3 in a closed door cabinet, have rarely touched it directly with my hands, and regularly dust it with compressed air… Hey, it’s the […]

    Hot Links for the Day

    Monday, April 6th, 2009

    A trip to ID software in 1983 Side scrolling Unreal Tournament, Sonic style