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  • Awesome Mod Case PS3 + Xbox 360

    Friday, September 2nd, 2011

    A beautiful waste: PS3 vs Bravia

    Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

    Brain… hurts… Sony Australia has created a promo video that simultaneously oozes style and makes my inner detective Adrian Monk cringe and gnash its teeth. I keep my 60GB US launch PS3 in a closed door cabinet, have rarely touched it directly with my hands, and regularly dust it with compressed air… Hey, it’s the […]

    Hands On: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

    Friday, October 26th, 2007

    Sorry about the long absence but a combination of laziness and the San Diego fires kept me away, but I am back with a preview of one of the Fall’s most exciting games and possibly the first AAA for the PS3. I am sure you are asking yourself how someone you’ve never heard of, with […]