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Luigi Death Stare
By Daniel Yerelian | August 27, 2014
Topics: Humor, Image, Nintendo | 2 Comments »
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WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck and Luke Morton requires Flash Player 9 or better.
« Video Game Logic | Main | Mario in Game Artificial Intelligence »
By Daniel Yerelian | August 27, 2014
Topics: Humor, Image, Nintendo | 2 Comments »
December 16th, 2015 at 8:00 pm
I really like this, toghuh the implementation needs some much more function. I have extra a bunch of pages for any matter I would like to examine about, but now I am caught. If i want to make a different reserve, I’ve to delete the just one I have. I might choose to have the opportunity to save the book I have or even have the option to export the list of entries and find a way to import it later if I would like to modify how the chapters function or modify the entry list, etc.
April 6th, 2016 at 6:00 am
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!