« Machinarium – Immerse yourself in rich visual and aural artistry | Main
By Ryan McGee | October 21, 2009
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Amanita Design art bioware blizzard comedy DDPDOJ diablo Dodonpachi Dai Jou Black Label Drake's dungeons and dragons evercrack everquest Final Boss Final Fantasy Fortune funny image links Machinarium mario Microsoft surface MMO MMO addicition mod nintendo one life pac man Preview PS3 Sarien.net Sierra snes solar power ds star wars Uncharted video video game video game addiction videogame collection video game collection video game demo videogames videos XBox 360 Games zelda
WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck and Luke Morton requires Flash Player 9 or better.
« Machinarium – Immerse yourself in rich visual and aural artistry | Main
By Ryan McGee | October 21, 2009
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December 16th, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Comment’s author: Holy08/13/07 04:21:00 AM老實說….我不知道是處男為什麼會讓人笑倒在地上我沒跟台灣的留學生玩過真心話大冒險, 不過跟外國學生玩過類似的他們也是問我類似的問題(看來全世界的人感興趣的事都一樣 XD , 我也是回答我是處男沒有人笑, 倒是有一個人說了一句話, 讓我們每個人都舉杯致敬…. 有些東西是你曾經擁有, 而一旦失去的就永遠拿不回來, 處男女就是其中之一…. 台灣的夏天真的是又濕又熱….我一直覺得男生適合活在在冬天, 而女生適合活在在夏天男生要穿的好看, 有時要襯衫和外套….夏天完全不行喔….還有要注意鞋子….因為女生 至少外國女生 會注意男生的鞋子我曾經穿過一雙鞋子….前十個稱讚的裡面有九個是女的….剩的那一個是gay….