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    The Top Ten Signs You Need a Break from Gaming

    By L Shepherd | September 6, 2007


    Gaming is an isolating activity, and let’s face it- most of the time that’s a good thing. But, there are definitely times when a gamer needs step away from the game and into the light.


    10. Nothing seems very challenging anymore outside your games. School will never require you to dance your way to the next level, nor will it be attacked by giant bees. There isn’t much point in going to the mall either, as it is unlikely to be saved by your heroic skills with a sword.

    9. You feel like you really do know how to play golf, guitar and basketball. You’re pretty sure that your gaming skills have given you the practice you need to beat Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan or any of those other so-called experts. And, you could definitely fight off zombies if you needed to.

    8. No one bothers to call you to go out somewhere anymore. The calls eventually got fewer and fewer, but people now understand that to see you they have to come by and play alongside you. Anyone who won’t do this isn’t worth bothering with. This means you, Aunt Sally.

    7. You’re pretty sure the last time you saw daylight was a week ago. But, was that a week of time in the game or in that real-life calendar thingy?

    6. You rarely see people in real life, but when you do, they remind you of characters in one of your games. You begin to wonder which is real and whether we are all just characters in a video game.

    5. There’s a loud gasping noise in the next room that sounds like someone’s in trouble. Hopefully they will live until you make it to the next round and can check on them.

    4. The best way to talk to you about any subject is to compare it to one of your favorite games. Conversations that begin any other way are always ignored. That 911 operator had no concept of this and was rightfully hung up on.

    3. The only thing you want out of your day is to make it to the next level. Anything that happens beyond that is just icing on the cake.

    2. It’s easier to text message the person in the next room than it is to stop the game and get up and find them to deliver your message. And if they don’t have text messaging, it really wasn’t that important anyway.

    1. The pizza dude knows to just slip the pizza in through the window next to your desk and take the check taped to the sill.

    If you have reached any one of these levels of gaming insanity, it’s time for a break. Just take a few minutes to focus on natural light and the sounds of other humans. Don’t worry; the game will still be there when you get back.

    Topics: PS3 General, Random, XBox 360 General | 4 Comments »

    4 Responses to “The Top Ten Signs You Need a Break from Gaming”

    1. Shin Says:
      September 13th, 2007 at 1:00 pm

      Haha, great article. Several of those sound like me from time to time.

    2. James Says:
      September 17th, 2007 at 11:17 am

      That was crap.

    3. Jerry Hsu Says:
      September 17th, 2007 at 12:20 pm

      LOL mabye you have been playing to much with the The Great Mighty Poo!

    4. Preet Says:
      September 18th, 2007 at 10:00 pm

      Hi Logan,
      Amusing article. I am not into gaming but use to have a roommate who had some of the traits you mentioned above. I enjoyed your post. BTW, i like the way you have setup your blog – font-size and spacing, and layout of ads.
