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    Nice Dungeons and Dragons Concepts via Microsoft Surface

    By Daniel Yerelian | October 19, 2009

    Nice Dungeons and Dragons Concepts via Microsoft Surface – This looks pretty cool, though it will always fun to hand draw maps and imagine your creatures and terrain.

    Topics: Random | 2 Comments »

    2 Responses to “Nice Dungeons and Dragons Concepts via Microsoft Surface”

    1. Rajat Says:
      December 16th, 2015 at 8:16 pm

      I am planning to write out each seiossn as a story, HOPEFULLY the night of the seiossn, but likely it’ll be posted the next day. I have yet to update about the first seiossn though because I’m lazy. But I did take notes! And I shall update my blog soon!

    2. Says:
      April 28th, 2016 at 6:26 pm

      1- rokok mahal sebab cukai kerajaan2- nak naik perkhidmatan awam, tapi kualiti rendah3- tarif elektrik naik, alasan arang batu mahal.. asal tak bangunkan teknologi solar!!4- suratkhabar memang tak payah beli. banyak sangat kipas “ehem2″…5- jalan bertol je yang elok.. jalan raya biasa banyak lobang2.. tayar banyak kali kene tukar..p/s: semuanya nak kondem kerajaan.. he3!eastbullet recently posted..VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)
